Friday, September 12, 2014

New School Year

Everyone in our family was looking forward to school starting- except mom.  This summer just flew by too fast and we didn't get to much of what we wanted to do.  But I was glad the kids were excited, and hoped that my nervousness for Cameron to start middle school did not show.  Cameron has to get up earlier now and on the first day he shot out of bed with joy all over his face.  I prayed it would last.  He gets to ride his bike to school this year and actually has to do that, walk or get a ride fro us since the school is pretty close by.  He could not wait to get to ride with his friends.  I felt like I held my breath all day waiting for him to come home.  Since he leaves earlier he also gets home earlier and I cherish that time we have together.  He had just as big of a smile on his face after school as he did when it started.  he says he loves the independence of being able to walk to his classes on his own and sit wherever he wants for lunch.  Thankfully, he has friends in most of his classes, but I have been impressed that he wants to do chess club this year, something that his buddies will not be doing.  I'm glad he knows who he is and what he wants to do.  And he loves his teachers, especially language arts which is such a blessing.

Gavin and Mason started the day off on a positive note as well.  We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and I think Mason was ready over an hour before the bus came.  He has Mrs. Brown this year who we are thrilled with and Gavin has Mrs. Horvath who seems very sweet as well.  His friend Charlie is in his class and he has already made friends with another new little boy that just moved here.  They are both so social and outgoing I have no doubt that they will do just fine.  After school everyone was wiped out!  Mason almost fell asleep at dinner- we went to Qdobas, one of their favorites.  I hope we can keep the positive momentum going!

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